Suppressing the Science: Politicians are doing the abortion industry’s dirty work.
If you are patient and listen carefully, abortion advocates will sometimes tell you the truth, if only by accident. That’s what happened in a New York Times piece looking at the role of abortion in last week’s midterms.
In June, Celinda Lake, a prominent Democratic pollster, did some detailed surveys after the Dobbs decision to determine what kind of political messaging works best for pro-abortion candidates. Not surprisingly, many took her advice and kept their messaging broad and vague, labeling pro-lifers as “extremists.” Anything remotely fact-based or specific, such as discussions about when science says babies can feel pain, was taboo.
“Debating weeks is not where we want to be,” Lake told The Times. “People are terrible at math and terrible at biology.” In other words, abortion advocates know that science — which Lake euphemistically shortened to “weeks”— is not on their side. Instead, they ignored or suppressed what modern science reveals about the humanity of unborn babies for the sake of political gain. In this, the political class is doing what the abortion industry itself has always done — keeping women, and people generally, in the dark about the reality of abortion and its impact on mother and baby.