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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206



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Abortion Reporting: Indiana (2023)

Indiana changed to quarterly reporting for 2023 and, as a result, this data represents the summation of the data in the quarterly reports. These reports showed that abortions in Indiana decreased significantly from 2022, likely due to the state’s life at conception law going back into effect in late August 2023.

Mia Steupert, M.A. Tessa Cox
May 29, 2024
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Abortion Reporting: Indiana (2020)

In 2020, there were 7,756 abortions reported in Indiana, up not quite two percent from the previous year. Chemical abortions jumped by 27 percent, making up over half of all abortions occurring in Indiana in 2020.


Abortion Reporting: Indiana (2019)

Indiana’s 2019 abortion report was published online by the Indiana State Department of Health in July 2020. The report shows that Planned Parenthood’s share of Indiana abortions fell from 2018, although Planned Parenthood still accounts for well over half the abortions reported in the state.


Abortion in the Land of Lincoln

The drama now playing out on the Missouri-Illinois border has some resonance with previous questions in American history. The drama involves a bold plan by the national abortion giant, Planned Parenthood, to open a mammoth abortion facility in southwest Illinois, just 13 miles from downtown St. Louis where is found the last abortion center remaining open in the Show-Me State.


Indiana Abortions Rise in 2018

A new analysis of Indiana abortion data conducted by Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI), the research and education arm of Susan B. Anthony List, shows that total abortions and the abortion rate in Indiana increased for the second year in a row, reversing its long-term decline.


Abortion Reporting: Indiana (2018)

Indiana’s 2018 abortion report was published online by the Indiana State Department of Health in July 2019. The report shows that total abortions and the abortion rate in Indiana increased for the second year in a row, a change from its long-term decline.


Justice Thomas Confirms that Down Syndrome Issue Presents Question of “First Impression”

On May 28, 2019 the U.S. Supreme Court issued a long-anticipated ruling in an abortion case from Indiana involving disposition of fetal remains and whether a state may prohibit abortions performed because of the child’s race, sex, or diagnosis of Down syndrome or other disability.The lower courts had struck down both policies. The Supreme Court reversed the lower court and upheld Indiana’s fetal remains law but declined to rule on the Down syndrome issue at this time.


SCOTUS Upholds Indiana Fetal Remains Law, Denies Cert on Discriminatory Abortion Ban

Today the U.S. Supreme Court reversed a lower court ruling and upheld an Indiana law, signed by then-Governor Mike Pence, requiring the humane and dignified disposition of human fetal remains. In the same opinion, without expressing any opinion for or against the law, the Court also denied review of Indiana’s prenatal nondiscrimination law, also signed by Pence, protecting unborn children from eugenic and other discriminatory abortions, such as those carried out on the grounds of race, sex, or conditions like Down syndrome.

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