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Charlotte Lozier Institute

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Arlington, VA 22206

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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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Tim Bradley

Former CLI Research Associate

Tim Bradley worked as a Research Associate with the Charlotte Lozier Institute. He graduated magna cum laude from the University of Notre Dame in 2016, studying theology, economics, and Constitutional Studies. At Notre Dame Tim served as Editor-in-Chief of the Irish Rover and as President of Students for Child-Oriented Policy, as well as serving as a Sorin Fellow at the Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture and a Fellow at the Tocqueville Program for Inquiry into Religion and Public Life. He was the 2016 recipient of the Notre Dame Theology Department’s Reverend Joseph H. Cavanaugh, C.S.C. Award. Tim is the sixth of eight children and currently resides in South Bend, Indiana.

Research Authored

Maternal & Public Health

Education, Not Propaganda

Abortion ends the life of a unique human being. Children in Oklahoma public schools will learn that lesson beginning this fall. Governor Mary Fallin signed the Humanity of the Unborn Child Act into law on June 6, and the provisions of the law are scheduled to go into effect beginning on November 1. The law, which is aimed at fostering a scientifically accurate understanding of embryology, fetal development, and alternatives to abortion on the part of both students and the general public, aspires to “the purpose of achieving an abortion-free society.”

Fetal Development

Ending Lethal Discrimination before Birth

Life & the Law

New Michigan Laws Deter and Punish Coerced Abortion

Proponents of abortion are all about “choice.” Yet in many cases, it seems, a woman’s decision to procure an abortion does not feel like much of a choice at all. The best estimates indicate that somewhere between 30 to over 60 percent of women seeking abortions in the United States do so under pressure—from the father of her child, her parents, her family members, friends, or employer.