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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
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2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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October 11, 2024 ACOG Peddles Disinformation About Pro-Life Laws, Plays Politics With Women’s Lives ACOG Peddles Disinformation About Pro-Life Laws, Plays Politics With Women’s Lives October 4, 2024 Scientists Sue Publisher Over Retractions Of Studies Showing Dangers Of Abortion Pills Scientists Sue Publisher Over Retractions Of Studies Showing Dangers Of Abortion Pills October 4, 2024 Scientists Sue Over ‘Discriminatory’ Retraction Of Studies Exposing Abortion Pill Dangers Scientists Sue Over ‘Discriminatory’ Retraction Of Studies Exposing Abortion Pill Dangers
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Texas Filibuster a Life Decision
Life & the Law

Texas Filibuster a Life Decision

In a scene familiar to many, the young senator passionately defends his state constituents through a 24-hour filibuster while the older senators refuse to listen, but as he grows weary there is a sudden change in perspective and his cause is accepted as the right choice for America.  Mr. Smith Goes to Washington is a piece of political folklore that unfortunately conveys a one-sided message about the role of the filibuster in American politics.

Pro-Life Ireland Safer for Mothers, Babies than Pro-Abortion UK
Maternal & Public Health

Pro-Life Ireland Safer for Mothers, Babies than Pro-Abortion UK

Last week, a fascinating new research paper was released which demonstrates that mothers and babies in Ireland are safer there and receive better care than they would in the neighboring United Kingdom, in spite of the fact that abortion remains illegal in Ireland.  The paper, entitled Maternal and Neonatal Health and Abortion: 40 Year Trends in Great Britain and Ireland, was authored by CLI Adjunct scholar Byron Calhoun, MD, as well as John M. Thorp MD, and Patrick S. Carroll, MA.  It was published in the American Journal of Physicians and Surgeons.

Increasing Contraception or Decreasing People: Melinda Gates Can’t Avoid Controversy Over Women Deliver Speaker List
Maternal & Public Health

Increasing Contraception or Decreasing People: Melinda Gates Can’t Avoid Controversy Over Women Deliver Speaker List

When Melinda Gates announced the Gates Foundation’s expanded commitment to contraception, she made certain to spell out that this commitment did not embrace abortion or population control. Successful pursuit of this “middle road” Gates thinks should cause “no controversy” has frustrated both those who oppose government-run efforts focused on contraception and those who believe any reproductive health program that does not include abortion fails women.

Hopeful Signs in Contraceptive Mandate Cases
Life & the Law

Hopeful Signs in Contraceptive Mandate Cases

Last month, courts reviewed two requests for preliminary injunctions against the contraception mandate of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).  That is, two businesses which do not fit the exemption rules but whose owners object to the mandate for moral and religious reasons will not have to pay the fines they would otherwise be responsible for while the case is being heard in full. 

Ireland Should Avoid America’s Mistakes

Ireland Should Avoid America’s Mistakes

Last Saturday, in Dublin, an estimated 40,000 people came out to stand in opposition to legalized abortion-on-demand in Ireland.  The abortion issue has simmered in Ireland for years, but the tragic death of Savita Halappanavar in October 2012 has pushed the issue to the forefront of national debate.

There’s a Life at the Heart of the Matter
Fetal Development

There’s a Life at the Heart of the Matter

There’s some irony in the passing away of Dr. Henry Morgentaler.  Regrettably, Morgentaler, whose name will forever be connected with opening Canada up to abortion on demand, cannot be celebrated. Making abortion mainstream is something few can celebrate.

Chinese Government Targets Single Mothers
Life & the Law

Chinese Government Targets Single Mothers

The central Chinese city of Wuhan has sparked controversy worldwide with the publication of a draft ordinance proposing to fine women who have children out of wedlock up to six times the average annual disposable income.

Survival of Extremely Premature Infants Possible, Improving
Fetal Development

Survival of Extremely Premature Infants Possible, Improving

In a new video released by commentator William Saletan at Slate magazine, the author critiques videos released by the activist group Live Action regarding clinics that perform late-term abortions.  In those videos, Live Action shows interactions between women whose pregnancies are in the range of 23 completed weeks of gestation.  Saletan critiques the editing of the video to omit points he argues show the clinics in a more favorable light, then states, “Here’s the big thing… even if you didn’t administer an injection, that kills the fetus inside the womb, which nearly all of these clinics do, the mere expulsion of the fetus, even at 21, 22, or 23, weeks is, itself, fatal.  That fetus is not prepared to survive the womb.”

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