Lozier Institute Strengthens Bulwark Against Misinformation and Bad Science

New Vice Presidents of Medical Affairs and Life Sciences Will Focus on Research and Education in the Dobbs Era
Washington, D.C. – With the rapidly expanding need for science and medical testimony, media engagement, and education in the Dobbs era, Lozier Institute is excited to announce expanded roles for two highly credentialed and sought-after scholars.
Tara Sander Lee, Ph.D., a Harvard-trained scientist who for many years directed a medical college research and diagnostics laboratory investigating congenital heart disease in children, has been promoted to vice president and director of life sciences. Dr. Sander Lee, who first joined Lozier Institute as an associate scholar in 2016 and became director of life sciences in 2019, is lead editor of VoyageOfLife.com, has testified before Congress on fetal tissue research, and regularly speaks on the science of human prenatal development, the reality of the embryonic and fetal heartbeat, and the documented inaccuracy of common prenatal genetic screenings.
Ingrid Skop, M.D., FACOG, a board-certified OB/GYN who has practiced in Texas for nearly 30 years, has been promoted to vice president and director of medical affairs. Dr. Skop, who has delivered more than 5,000 babies and regularly treats complications related to both pregnancy and the abortion pill, continues to work regular obstetric shifts at her local hospital. She first joined Lozier Institute as an associate scholar in 2017 and became director of medical affairs in 2022. Dr. Skop has testified before Congress on the real-world impact of the Texas Heartbeat Act and regularly speaks on the documented harms of the abortion pill and how pro-abortion medical misinformation harms women.
Charles A. “Chuck” Donovan, president of Charlotte Lozier Institute, said:
“Dr. Sander Lee will continue her focus as a molecular biologist and biochemist with a long resume of health care research related to childhood diseases by guiding Lozier Institute’s research and education in the life sciences. In addition to testifying at the request of state legislators and Congress, Dr. Sander Lee serves on the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Advisory Committee on Infant and Maternal Mortality. At a time when pro-abortion politicians and pundits promote shockingly unscientific talking points about the unborn, such as the claim that babies don’t actually have a heartbeat, Dr. Sander Lee and Lozier’s network of highly credentialed scientists will continue to educate the American people on science and statistics for life.
“Dr. Skop is an amazing resource for the pro-life movement, bringing her decades of clinical experience as an OB/GYN to bear on questions of public policy regarding pregnancy and women’s health. She has written extensively on best practices in obstetrics, conscience protection, and the threat posed by cavalier distribution of the abortion pill to women without medical supervision or timely access to medical care. As vice president and director of medical affairs, Dr. Skop will coordinate the work of Lozier’s network of physicians and medical researchers who counter the abortion industry’s blizzard of misinformation with science and statistics for life.”
Dr. Sander Lee said:
“Science is about the continual pursuit of knowledge, but the abortion industry and their allies in the media work hard to suppress the science because they know it doesn’t support their goal of abortion on demand until birth.
“I know about this first-hand. As a respected and credentialed medical college researcher, I dared to speak up when science disproved the preferred pro-abortion narrative. I was pressured to remain silent. I’m excited about this expanded opportunity at Lozier Institute to continue following the science and keep science at the forefront of public policy debates.”
Dr. Skop said:
“I recently treated a woman who was given abortion pills out of state and bled for two months without a doctor to turn to. I have treated women who suffered abortion pill complications, returned to the abortionist, and didn’t receive necessary surgical treatment. The abortion industry and the FDA turn a blind eye to women suffering complications from abortion pills, and they ignore comprehensive international and U.S. data demonstrating that the abortion pill is far more dangerous than surgical abortion.
“To be pro-woman is to be pro-life. Approximately 90 percent of obstetricians do not perform elective abortions because we care for both women and their unborn children, and are focused on healing, not killing, our patients. In my new role at Lozier Institute, I’m going to continue actively pushing back on the pro-abortion misinformation that is putting women at risk.”
Charlotte Lozier Institute was launched in 2011 as the education and research arm of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America. CLI is a hub for research and public policy analysis on some of the most pressing issues facing the United States and nations around the world. The Institute is named for a feminist physician known for her commitment to the sanctity of human life and equal career and educational opportunities for women.