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Charlotte Lozier Institute

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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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Search Results for: Stem cells

Written Testimony of David A. Prentice, Ph.D.: Progress on Kansas’ Midwest Stem Cell Therapy Center Research

Stem cell treatments using adult stem cells from bone marrow, umbilical cord blood, and other tissue sources continue to be a cutting-edge medical technology.  I’d like to discuss with you briefly the current state of development for these medical treatments and some examples of their application...

Video: Once Quadriplegic, Woman Celebrates Lasting Improvement from Adult Stem Cells

Today the Charlotte Lozier Institute releases its ninth Stem Cell Research Facts video, which revisits the life of adult stem cell recipient Laura Dominguez-Tauer. Her story is a testament to hope, inspiration, and what can happen when the best modern medicine meets unwavering human resilience.

Adult Stem Cells and Gene Therapy Save a Young Boy

When people talk about something that “saved their skin,” they usually mean that it helped them out of a difficult situation. But a young boy in Germany has literally had his skin—and his life—saved through the use of genetically-engineered adult stem cells.

Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research 25 Years On

Twenty-five years ago, scientists first isolated human embryonic stem cells (hESCs). Shortly after this development, the use of these stem cells in medical research had become a major public policy controversy in the United States.

Adult Stem Cells: Successful Standard for Regenerative Medicine

Adult stem cells are the successful standard for stem cells. Although in the past their regenerative/reparative capacity was ignored, misunderstood, or even maligned, a rapidly growing host of clinical applications are being developed, and the clinical utility of adult stem cells is increasingly val...

Ethical Stem Cells: Back to Basics

The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine’s (CIRM) initial round of grants for 2014 provides an interesting perspective on a pattern of research funding that has emerged at CIRM in recent years.

The Science and Politics of Cloning: What the News Was All About

In this paper, Dr. Maureen Condic of the University of Utah explains the derivation of human stem cells from cloned human embryos. Dr. Condic discuss the science and politics behind cloning and why this method is unlikely to ever be the preferred tool of regenerative medicine.

Written Testimony of David A. Prentice, Ph.D.: Update on Progress of Kansas’ Midwest Stem Cell Therapy Center Research