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Charlotte Lozier Institute

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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

On Point

On Point

Established in 2012, CLI’s On Point paper series provides timely commentary on diverse issues of public concern touching on the value of human life.  

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February 3, 2025 Why the Global Protect Life Rule is Right for the U.S. and Nations around the World (2025 Update) Why the Global Protect Life Rule is Right for the U.S. and Nations around the World (2025 Update) January 31, 2025 RFK Hearing: Setting the Record Straight on Pro-Life Laws RFK Hearing: Setting the Record Straight on Pro-Life Laws January 28, 2025 Fact Sheet: Dismemberment Abortion Fact Sheet: Dismemberment Abortion
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105 results
On Point

Oregon Lawmakers Promote Abortion, Crush Civil Liberty, and Hate on Social Justice

Thomas M. Messner, J.D.
July 13, 2017
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On Point

A Reality Check on Assisted Suicide in Oregon

Assisted suicide is not the compassionate choice.

On Point

Ad Campaign Ruling Highlights Needs for Outreach and Healing

Last December a Canadian appeals judge ruled against the appearance of a provocative pro-life ad campaign on the exterior of municipal buses in Grand Prairie, Alberta.[1] Justice C. S. Anderson stated in her decision, “Expression of this kind may lead to emotional responses from the various people who make use of public transit and other uses of the road, creating a hostile and uncomfortable environment.”

On Point

The Effect of Legalizing Assisted Suicide on Palliative Care and Suicide Rates: A Response to Compassion and Choices

The leading national organization promoting legalization of physician-assisted suicide, “Compassion & Choices” (formerly known as the Hemlock Society), has distributed a December 2016 “Medical Aid in Dying Fact Sheet” in various state legislatures around the country to persuade them to approve what they call “medical aid in dying.”

On Point

Hyde @ 40: Analyzing the Impact of the Hyde Amendment

Congress enacted the first Hyde Amendment on September 30, 1976. The Hyde Amendment has been passed every year since 1976 and has largely prevented federal Medicaid dollars from paying for abortions. The Hyde Amendment has played an important role in the history of the national debate on abortion. Its passage was one of the pro-life movement’s first major legislative victories. As such, now is an apt time to look back on the amendment’s history and analyze its impact during the past 40 years.

On Point

An Analysis of How Medicaid Expansion in Alaska Will Affect Abortion Rates

This May, the Alaska state legislature will consider legislation that would expand Alaska's Medicaid program. In this timely analysis, CLI Associate Scholar Michael J. New, Ph.D. elaborates four ways in which a Medicaid expansion in Alaska would likely increase the state's abortion incidence.

On Point

The Reality of Late-Term Abortion Procedures

Of interest to the medical, moral, sociological, and political issues surrounding late-term abortion is the question of why women seek abortion after twenty weeks gestation. Any data considered to answer this question must be examined carefully for limitations. However, a greater understanding of the reasons why women choose these late-term procedures is valuable to those who seek to offer alternative, compassionate options.

On Point

The Constitutional Viability of Five-Month Abortion Laws

Five-month abortion laws restrict abortion at 20 weeks of pregnancy—when an unborn child can feel pain from abortion. Opponents of five-month abortion laws argue they violate the “viability rule” created by the U.S. Supreme Court. The viability rule provides that government “may not prohibit any woman from making the ultimate decision to terminate her pregnancy before viability.” In most cases viability will occur after 20 weeks of pregnancy. However, the viability rule is unworkable, arbitrary, unjust, poorly reasoned, inadequate, and extreme. The viability rule cannot be justified, especially as applied to five-month laws. In a challenge to a five-month law it is reasonable to conclude that the Court might abandon the viability rule altogether or not apply it to five-month laws.

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