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Charlotte Lozier Institute

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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206



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January 21, 2025 The Protect Life Rule: Defunding Abortion in Title X The Protect Life Rule: Defunding Abortion in Title X January 17, 2025 Fact Sheet: Third Trimester Abortion and “Abortion Up to Birth” Fact Sheet: Third Trimester Abortion and “Abortion Up to Birth” January 16, 2025 Do Late-Term Abortions Really Happen in the United States? Do Late-Term Abortions Really Happen in the United States?
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Abortion Reporting: California

California does not collect or report abortion data. The Centers for Disease Control’s 1996 abortion surveillance report was the last to include California data.

charlotte-lozier-institute Charlotte Lozier Institute
May 24, 2023
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New Study: Maternal Mortality in Texas Rose Earlier than Previously Claimed

Washington, D.C. – New research by Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) Vice President and Director of Data Analytics James Studnicki, Sc.D. and by John Fisher, Ph.D., J.D., published online today in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology, challenges the methodology and findings of a 2016 study led by Marian MacDorman of the Maryland Population Research Center.


Near Absence of Embryonic Stem Cells in California Clinical Trial Program

In 2013, the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) – the nation’s largest funder of stem cell research outside of the federal government – authorized a new program, the Alpha Stem Cell Clinics Network.


Lozier Institute Submits Supreme Court Brief in Pregnancy Help Center Case

Charlotte Lozier Institute submitted a “friend of the court” brief to the U.S. Supreme Court on April 20 in support of pregnancy help centers (PHCs). The PHCs have challenged a California law, arguing that it forces them to post contact information for a county office that refers for abortion and burdens their ability to advertise their services.


Fox Foundation Funding Patterns Favor Ethical Approaches

But while the Fox Foundation, like CIRM, may have started out emphasizing support for hESCR, that support, also like CIRM’s, has waned over the years. According to its website, the MJFF has awarded 1,350 research grants since its founding in 2000.  Of that total number, just 66 grants went to research using stem cells.


A Plea for True Compassion: Against Assisted Suicide

By Jacqueline H. Abernathy, Ph.D. On September 11, California legislators passed Assembly Bill X2-15, the "End of Life Option Act," which legalizes physician-assisted suicide. If the bill is not vetoed by California Governor Jerry Brown within 31 days of its passage, the bill will become state law. Here is an open letter written to Gov. Brown by CLI Associate Scholar Dr. Jacqueline Harvey, Ph.D. urging him to veto the bill.


California Assisted Suicide Bill Passes Assembly during National Suicide Prevention Week

September 6 to 12 is National Suicide Prevention Week, and yet almost as if in a cruel joke, the California legislature has fast-tracked a bill to legalize physician-assisted suicide in the state. Just yesterday, the “End of Life Options Act” (AB X2-15) passed the State Assembly by a vote of 44-35.


California’s Assisted Suicide Bill Revived in Special Session

In mid-August, California lawmakers announced a second attempt to legalize assisted suicide this year. In July, a nearly identical bill, SB 128, died in the Health Committee. The proposed legislation, now revived as Assembly Bill X2-15 (the End of Life Option Act), was introduced during a special legislative session on healthcare financing, which will allow it to bypass the previous committee in which it stalled.

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