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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
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2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206



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Landmark Pain-Capable and Five-Month Abortion Bans

CLI is pleased to release a new map showing landmark pain-capable and five-month abortion bans passed at the state level.

charlotte-lozier-institute Charlotte Lozier Institute
August 15, 2019
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Legislative and Litigation Overview of Five-Month Abortion Laws Enacted Before or After 2010

Since January 2010, twenty-one states have enacted statutes prohibiting abortion at 20 weeks of pregnancy, roughly five months or more than halfway through pregnancy. All but one of these laws make at least some explicit reference to fetal pain in either the title, findings, statement of purpose or intent, definitions, substantive provisions, or some combination of these legislative elements.


Five-Month Abortion Limits: Executive Summaries of Charlotte Lozier Institute Papers

The following are papers published by the Charlotte Lozier Institute in the On Point, American Reports Series, or in a peer-reviewed journal on issues involving 20-week or five-month gestation abortions.


Q&A with the Scholars: Analyzing Pain-Capable Laws and Fetal Disposition

Kristi Burton Brown, J.D., is an attorney focusing on First Amendment and sanctity of life issues. She is licensed in the State of California and admitted to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals.


Written Testimony of Kristine Burton Brown, J.D., in Support of Missouri Pain-Capable Abortion Bill


Q&A with the Scholars: The Science of Fetal Pain

Sheila Page, D.O., is board certified in Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine and Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy. She treats a wide spectrum of patients from the newborn to the elderly, including patients with irreversible and terminal illness.


Testimonies of Legal Expert, Medical Experts and Abortion Survivor on Pain-Capable and Born-Alive Abortion Legislation


Charlotte Lozier Institute’s Legal and Medical Scholars Testify in Support of Ohio’s Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

This Tuesday, the Ohio House Committee on Community and Family Advancement held a hearing on SB 127, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) associate scholars Anna Higgins, J.D., an attorney and legal researcher, and Sheila Page, D.O., an osteopathic physician, testified in support of these bills. CLI welcomed both women as recent additions to the associate scholar team in September.

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world-class research in defense of life.
