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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
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2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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January 13, 2025 Supporting Mothers, Strengthening Futures: Reforming Tennessee’s Policies for Families with Young Children Supporting Mothers, Strengthening Futures: Reforming Tennessee’s Policies for Families with Young Children January 13, 2025 Filed: CLI and ACLJ Amicus Brief in SisterSong v. Georgia Filed: CLI and ACLJ Amicus Brief in SisterSong v. Georgia January 10, 2025 Abortion Reporting: Arizona (2023) Abortion Reporting: Arizona (2023)
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Testimony of CLI Assoc. Scholar in Support of the Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act

On April 14, the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on HR 4924, the Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act (PRENDA) of 2016, sponsored by Rep. Trent Franks. The bill would prohibit discrimination against the unborn based on the preference of sex or race alone. Charlotte Lozier Institute associate scholar Anna Higgins, J.D. testified in support of the bill, and summarized her newly published paper on sex-selection abortion.

charlotte-lozier-institute Charlotte Lozier Institute
April 19, 2016
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Sex-Selection Abortion: The Real War on Women

Despite advances in civil rights and the recognition by most developed nations that discrimination on the basis of sex alone is inherently unjust, a very real and pervasive form of sex discrimination is still permitted and practiced in the world today. Prenatal sex discrimination crosses cultural, ethnic, and national lines. It is practiced with impunity in many countries, including the U.S., via sex-selective abortion – choosing to abort a preborn child based solely on the child’s sex. Prenatal discrimination can also be practiced pre-implantation by destroying embryos based on a pre-implantation sex determination.  Undoubtedly, such practices constitute discrimination against a unique human individual based on sex alone, and thus constitute sex discrimination. In order to address this injustice, it is imperative that States and the Federal Government institute selection abortion bans – restrictions on abortions done for reasons of sex selection alone.

sex selection

Thirteen Million “Hidden” Children due to China’s One-Child Policy

In 2010, China conducted its latest census, which revealed that the country had 13 million undocumented children. The majority were “over-quota” children born in violation of China’s one-child policy, and who were accordingly denied legal identification or “household registration” known as hukou. Without hukou, a person cannot attend school, receive healthcare or government support, travel by train or plane, or get married.

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Written Testimony of David A. Prentice, Ph.D. in Support of Indiana’s SB 334

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British Vote Indicates Strong Disapproval for Sex-Selection Abortion

British Members of Parliament recently voted to clarify the status of sex-selection abortion under the Abortion Act of 1967.  The MPs voted, 181-1, in favor of banning sex-selection abortion under the British abortion statute.  Sex-selection abortion has been a topic of intense focus among legislators after investigators exposed doctors agreeing to perform abortions solely based on a baby’s undesired gender.

sex selection

Britain’s Missing Girls

A new report out of the United Kingdom reveals that illegal, sex-selective abortions have potentially reduced the female population of the UK by between 1,500 to 4,700 girls.

sex selection

UK Fails to Uphold Sex-Selective Abortion Ban

The news came of the United Kingdom this past week that the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) rules that it would not be in the “public interest” to prosecute two doctors who agreed to arrange illegal sex-selective abortions.  This ruling was made despite the fact that prosecutors admit that there is more than enough evidence to take these doctors to court for violating the law.

sex selection

Abortion Limits are NOT a Form of Torture

This past Friday, March 8, marked International Women’s Day.  The observance, quite admirably, draws attention to the social, political, and economic struggles of women throughout the world as well as the plethora of human rights abuses committed against them. There is no doubt that women have made and continue to make vital contributions to society and every day we seem to make substantial gains in the global arena.  However, it quite often seems that, throughout most of the world, to be a woman is to be born already facing an almost insurmountable struggle and, in many cases, a life of tragedy.

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