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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
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2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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December 20, 2024 Strengthening the Pro-Life Safety Net: Federal Transportation Policy Strengthening the Pro-Life Safety Net: Federal Transportation Policy December 19, 2024 End of Year Update: Tax Credits for Life Affirming Organizations End of Year Update: Tax Credits for Life Affirming Organizations December 19, 2024 Fact Sheet: Abortions at or after 15 Weeks in the United States Fact Sheet: Abortions at or after 15 Weeks in the United States
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Adult Stem Cells Imitate Human Brain, Are Hope for Neurological Disorders
Fetal Tissue, Stem Cells & Bioethics

Adult Stem Cells Imitate Human Brain, Are Hope for Neurological Disorders

A study published last week has shown that ethical adult stem cells can be used to create three-dimensional living tissues that imitate the developing human brain.  In their findings, published in the science journal Nature, researchers asserted that, by using human stem cells derived from skin cells, they were able to assemble brain-like pieces of living tissue.  These stem cells could prove to be an invaluable resource for the treatment and study of various neuro-developmental disorders.

Multi-State Health Plans: A Potential Avenue to Tens of Thousands of Publicly Subsidized Abortions
Life & the Law

Multi-State Health Plans: A Potential Avenue to Tens of Thousands of Publicly Subsidized Abortions

In this report, CLI President Chuck Donovan documents how multi-state plans (MSPs) created under the Affordable Care Act are one pathway that would allow for an additional 111,500 publicly subsidized abortions per year.

Stem Cell Alternative Campaign Progressing in the European Union
Fetal Tissue, Stem Cells & Bioethics

Stem Cell Alternative Campaign Progressing in the European Union

A European grassroots initiative with the bold objective of protecting human life even in its most vulnerable embryonic state has gained considerable support across the continent- collecting over 850,000 signatures from a wide array of nations. The “One of Us” initiative is a valiant effort that has been taken up by groups and individuals across the Europe with the aim of advancing the protection of the human embryo.

CLI Comment on West Virginia Laws and Regulations Pertaining to Abortion
Life & the Law

CLI Comment on West Virginia Laws and Regulations Pertaining to Abortion

The Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) is a non-profit pro-life and bioethics research and policy organization.  As such, CLI supports the protection of all human life from conception and appreciates the opportunity to comment on West Virginia law pertaining to abortion, abortion regulation, and women’s health.  CLI strongly supports policies which will protect the health and lives of women and unborn children.  To that end, CLI advocates gestational limitations on abortion and government regulation, rather than private accreditation, of abortion clinics at the same level as other facilities that provide outpatient surgical care.

Victims of NC Eugenics Program to Receive Compensation At Last
Life & the Law

Victims of NC Eugenics Program to Receive Compensation At Last

Despite signals earlier this year that the State of North Carolina would once again not include plans compensation for the victims of the state’s infamous eugenics programs in the state’s budget, it seems that those who suffered forcible or coerced sterilization at the hands of the state will see some restitution after all as North Carolina is set to become the first state to provide compensation to victims of a state eugenics program.

Momentum for Late-Term Abortion Limits
Life & the Law

Momentum for Late-Term Abortion Limits

In the last three years, an increasing number of states have debated and/or passed statutes limiting abortions beyond a certain point in pregnancy.  Most recently, Texas legislators voted to ban abortions after five months of pregnancy and to increase the health and safety regulation of the state’s abortion clinics.  On July 18, 2013, Governor Rick Perry signed the bill restricting abortions after 20 weeks, despite a failed filibuster and a mob takeover of the statehouse.

Women, Children and the Sex Industry:  Laws, Law Enforcement and Society
Life & the Law

Women, Children and the Sex Industry: Laws, Law Enforcement and Society

The FBI recently announced that it had rescued 105 exploited children and arrested 159 pimps as part of the national effort against sex trafficking of minors.  Last summer, they made a similar announcement regarding the rescue of 79 children and 104 pimps.  These efforts highlight the priority law enforcement is placing on trafficking in persons, particularly the sexual trafficking of minors.  They also highlight how far we have to go as a nation to protect the vulnerable from exploitation.

State Abortion Limitations
Life & the Law

State Abortion Limitations

This chart lists each state’s abortion restriction statutes according to gestational age, whether a viability standard applies, and whether there is any pending legal action.

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