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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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April 30, 2024 Gestational Limits on Abortion in the United States Compared to International Norms (April 2024) Gestational Limits on Abortion in the United States Compared to International Norms (April 2024) April 25, 2024 Fact Check: “Abortion is 14 Times Safer than Childbirth” Fact Check: “Abortion is 14 Times Safer than Childbirth” April 22, 2024 A Fact-Free Campaign Against Parents and Unborn Children in Alabama A Fact-Free Campaign Against Parents and Unborn Children in Alabama
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16 results
On Science

Fetal Pain, Following the Evidence

During the Dobbs abortion case hearing, Justice Sotomayor made a number of problematic statements.  She was unfamiliar with decreases in the edge of viability since Roe was handed down (28 weeks then versus approximately 22 weeks gestation today, with an increasing number of infants surviving at 21 weeks. As a neonatologist, I found perhaps even more distressing her claim that premature babies who are less than 25 weeks gestation cannot feel pain.

Robin Pierucci, M.D., M.A.
December 21, 2021
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Closing the Slippery Slope from a 14-Day Rule to an N-Day Rule

The 14-day limit is related to the approximate time in normal human embryonic development when structures appear in developing human beings that are the earliest stages of the formation of the nervous system.  This ethics agreement is the warned slippery slope of allowing experimentation on embryonic human beings at any stage of their life.

On Science

Midtrimester Abortion Epidemiology, Indications and Mortality

This paper will address epidemiology, complications, indications, procedures and protocols, and women’s reasons for undergoing second trimester induced abortion.

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Abortion Pill Reversal: A Record of Safety and Efficacy

Chemical abortions have been increasing over recent years to now account for 44 percent of reported abortions in the United States in 2019.[1] These percentages have grown consistently from 6% in 2001 and will likely rise even faster as abortion providers pressure the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and lawmakers to allow them to sell chemical abortions to women online, without a single, in-person visit to a doctor to verify the gestational age or location of the baby.

On Science

15 Facts at 15 Weeks

This year, the Supreme Court agreed to hear the case Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which would allow Mississippi to limit abortions at 15 weeks. Medical advancements have long surpassed the viability definition of 28 weeks in Roe, and each advancement only moves us closer to life-saving treatments earlier and earlier in the life of the unborn. But what exactly is a 15-week-gestation fetus like? We’ve put together 15 amazing facts about the 15-week-gestation fetus.

On Science

A Policy and Funding Evaluation Of Human Fetal Tissue Research

Here we evaluate the actions and policy changes made by the Trump administration that have been taken since his term in office and analyze the current standing of federal funds used to support fetal tissue research.  First, we give a brief overview of how federal tax dollars are used to fund medical research in the U.S.

On Science

A Visual Aid to Viral Infection and Vaccine Production

As a result of the rapid spread of the new coronavirus technically known as SARS-CoV-2, the United States and other governments have begun crash efforts to create an effective vaccine or vaccines against the illness at “warp speed.”  An array of candidates for this vaccine have emerged and are in various stages of development and testing.  At the same time, questions have emerged about the ways in which these vaccines, reflecting experience across the history of development of these preventives, are produced, including processes to which millions of Americans object on moral grounds.  The variety of means used to produce vaccines today is immense, employing both ethically licit and questionable procedures.  To assist in understanding these modes of production, we offer this primer on the basic science involved.

On Science

Muestra de la infección viral y la producción de vacunas

Como resultado de la rápida propagación del nuevo coronavirus, técnicamente conocido como SARS-CoV-2, los gobiernos de Estados Unidos y de otros paises han pasado por varios intentos fallidos en la producción de una vacuna efectiva contra esta enfermedad que se transmite tan rápidamente.  Ha surgido una selección de candidatos para esta vacuna  y se encuentran en distintas etapas de desarrollo y de prueba.  Al mismo tiempo, se han manifestado otras preguntas acerca de la manera en la cual estas vacunas son producidas; inlcuyendo los procesos sobre los cuales millones de americanos tienen objeciones en material moral.  Hoy en día, la variedad de medios utilizados para producir vacunas es inmensa; en algunos casos son éticament lícitas, mientras que en otros los procedimientos que utilizan son questionables.  Para ayudar a la comprensión de estos modos de producción, ofrecemos una guía básica respecto a la ciencia involucrada.

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