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Charlotte Lozier Institute

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2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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Search Results for: Covid vacc

Prenatal Tax Credits and Child Support for the Unborn: A Literature Review

Prenatal tax credits and child support for the unborn have a firm foundation in common law, as well as statutory and judicial precedent. Prenatal tax credits at the federal, state, and local levels hold out the promise of potentially enhanced birth weights and improved food stability, especially if ...

The Coronavirus Pandemic and the Ethics of Triage

How ought we think ethically about triage and rationing during a pandemic? How do we decide which patient is given a ventilator and which goes without? Is it permissible to refuse a ventilator so that another may live, even if it means we die? Some basic principles follow, although it must be rememb...

Alternatives to Abortion Programs: Support for Mothers and Families

On the verge of the Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization over the constitutionality of Mississippi’s 15-week abortion limitations, which could result in the dismantling of Roe v. Wade, there has been a steady drumbeat by the abortion industry forecasting catastr...

Assisted Suicide’s Slippery Slope in Action: Washington State May Drop “Safeguards” Against Abuse

Opponents of physician-assisted suicide (PAS) have long warned that there is a “slippery slope” from initially limited acceptance of the practice to a broader “right” to take the lives of the sick and elderly. PAS supporters have generally dismissed this claim as alarmist. In my home state o...

Abortion Reporting: Louisiana (2020)

Louisiana’s 2020 abortion report was published by the Louisiana Department of Health in March 2022. The report shows that abortions declined from 2019.

Abortion Reporting: Alaska (2021)

Alaska was one of the first states to publish its 2021 abortion report, releasing is 2021 statistics online in April 2022. The report shows that abortions increased from 2020. This is the first state summary from Charlotte Lozier Institute covering calendar year 2021 from states that publish annual ...

Abortion Reporting: Kansas (2020)

Kansas’ preliminary 2020 abortion report was published online in June 2021, and the final report was published in December 2021.

Análisis del Instituto Charlotte Lozier (CLI): La mayoría de las vacunas de la Operation Warp Speed no se producen usando células derivadas de abortos

El análisis de CLI encontró que la mayoría de las candidatas a vacunas no utilizaban líneas celulares derivadas de abortos en su producción.  Varios utilizaron líneas celulares derivadas del aborto en pruebas de laboratorio, o bien su uso no pudo determinarse en las pruebas.