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Charlotte Lozier Institute

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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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January 17, 2025 Fact Sheet: Third Trimester Abortion and “Abortion Up to Birth” Fact Sheet: Third Trimester Abortion and “Abortion Up to Birth” January 16, 2025 Do Late-Term Abortions Really Happen in the United States? Do Late-Term Abortions Really Happen in the United States? January 13, 2025 Supporting Mothers, Strengthening Futures: Reforming Tennessee’s Policies for Families with Young Children Supporting Mothers, Strengthening Futures: Reforming Tennessee’s Policies for Families with Young Children
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Understanding Women’s Communication with Their Providers During Medication Abortion and Abortion Pill Reversal: An Exploratory Analysis

The purpose of this exploratory analysis is to understand women's medication abortion and abortion pill reversal decision-making experiences, with a particular focus on their communication with their medical providers.

Katherine Rafferty, Ph.D., M.A. Tessa Cox
December 7, 2023
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Medication Abortion and Abortion Pill Reversal: An Exploratory Analysis on the Influence of Others in Women’s Decision-Making

As medication abortion accounts for a growing share of abortions in the United States, an increasing number of women are seeking abortion pill reversal (APR). These decisions are typically not made in isolation. However, little research exists on women’s APR decision-making and the role played by people close to them.


A Cohort Study of Mental Health Services Utilization Following a First Pregnancy Abortion or Birth

A first pregnancy abortion, compared to a birth, is associated with significantly higher subsequent mental health services utilization following the first pregnancy outcome. The risk attributable to abortion is notably higher for inpatient than outpatient mental health services.


Study: Many Women Who Had Abortions Felt Pressured by Others

Abortion pressure and coercion constitute one of the most widespread hidden epidemics in America, and one of the least covered by the media. Our latest research shows that these insidious influences are tragically far more common than most people realize.

Hidden Epidemic: Nearly 70% of Abortions Are Coerced, Unwanted or Inconsistent With Women’s Preferences

Nearly 70% of women with a history of abortion describe their abortions as inconsistent with their own values and preferences, with one in four describing their abortions as unwanted or coerced, according to the study published in the medical journal Cureus.


The Effects of Abortion Decision Rightness and Decision Type on Women’s Satisfaction and Mental Health

Perceived pressure to abort is strongly associated with women attributing more negative mental health outcomes to their abortions. The one-third of women for whom abortion is wanted and consistent with their values and preferences are most likely over-represented in studies initiated at abortion clinics.


Overview of Michigan Ballot Initiative: “Right to Reproductive Freedom”

This memo is intended to identify a number of likely issues raised by the amendment, and in particular to highlight those abortion restrictions vulnerable to being struck down should the amendment pass. This memo is a high-level summary, and each issue warrants individual attention and further detailed analysis.

Abortion Reporting: Connecticut (2020)

There were 7,187 abortions reported in Connecticut in 2020, down 22 percent from 2019. Chemical abortions dropped 18 percent from 4,565 in 2019 to 3,763 in 2020, composing 52 percent of the total in 2020.

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