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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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February 12, 2025 Are Pro-life Laws Harming Women and Children? An Examination of Claims Against Texas Are Pro-life Laws Harming Women and Children? An Examination of Claims Against Texas February 7, 2025 Abortion Reporting: Iowa (2023) Abortion Reporting: Iowa (2023) February 7, 2025 Abortion Reporting: Nevada (2023) Abortion Reporting: Nevada (2023)
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Chen Guangcheng’s Escape Highlights Forced Abortion Issue and Human Rights
Life & the Law

Chen Guangcheng’s Escape Highlights Forced Abortion Issue and Human Rights

On April 27th, 2012, in a daring flight to freedom that caught the attention of the entire world, Chen Guangcheng successfully managed to escape the dwelling where he has been under house arrest for two years and evade the authorities who have kept him under constant surveillance, showering him and his family with abuse.  The 40-year-old blind lawyer and family man was driven by friends from his home in the Shendong province to Beijing, where he took refuge in the U.S. Embassy.  Following negotiations between the U.S. and China, Chen was effectively returned to Chinese authorities at a Beijing hospital. However, the State Department has said that China has indicated it will approve Chen’s application to travel to the United States.  The fallout from his epic escape has been enormous and has ignited an intense discussion regarding human rights in China.

Forced Sterilizations Expose Population Control Cruelty
Maternal & Public Health

Forced Sterilizations Expose Population Control Cruelty

The government of the small central Asian country of Uzbekistan has declared 2012 “The Year of the Family.”  As the Uzbek culture traditionally values the family, marriage, and children above all other things, this proclamation is perfectly in sync with the spirit of the people.  The goals of the year are to increase the number of happy families and to strengthen the institution of the family in Uzbekistan.  It is an entirely worthy goal; however, it stands in stark contrast to the startling information that was released this month by the BBC.

The Dark Ladder of Logic: After-Birth Abortion
Maternal & Public Health

The Dark Ladder of Logic: After-Birth Abortion

The Journal of Medical Ethics (JME) is one of those highly specialized, relatively expensive publications that cater to a targeted group of professionals.  Because these journals are expensive (a print/online U.S. annual subscription for the JME is $431) and have such a very specific audience, they are rarely read by laypeople outside the professional circles they are intended to address. Unless such a journal publishes an article online endorsing infanticide.

Justice for Eugenics Victims in North Carolina
Maternal & Public Health

Justice for Eugenics Victims in North Carolina

The state of North Carolina has now identified more than 100 victims of their massive state-sponsored eugenics program which lasted from 1929 to 1974 according to reports out recently.  

Medical Students for Choice Fund Abortion Training in the U.K.
Maternal & Public Health

Medical Students for Choice Fund Abortion Training in the U.K.

An American group called Medical Students for Choice (MSFC) has announced plans to fund abortion training for medical students in the United Kingdom and Ireland.  

Prenatal Surgery Progressing
Fetal Development

Prenatal Surgery Progressing

Last year the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia implemented fetal surgery for spina bifida as a new standard of care, adding to the list of conditions in the developing baby that are being addressed by surgery before birth.  The hospital even has a hotline for parents seeking information about fetal surgery: 1-800 IN UTERO (468-8376) and an informative web site dev

Chiaroscuro Foundation’s Riveting Look at New York Abortion Data
Maternal & Public Health

Chiaroscuro Foundation’s Riveting Look at New York Abortion Data

Thanks to a detailed abortion reporting policy for New York City and a riveting graphic just published by the Chiaroscuro Foundation, we know that the city’s abortion ratio is 41%, using a Guttmacher Institute formula calculated as "abortions per 100 pregnancies ending in abortion or live birth." 

U.S. House Constitution Subcommittee Addresses CIANA
Life & the Law

U.S. House Constitution Subcommittee Addresses CIANA

March, 2012 was an important month for key legislation concerning human life and family life in the United States. On March 8, the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution listened to arguments for and against the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act, more commonly known as CIANA.  Dr. Michael New, adjunct scholar at the Charlotte Lozier Institute, provided valuable testimony for the proceedings along with Teresa Collett, professor at the University of St. Thomas School of Law, and the Rev. Katherine Ragsdale, President of the Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, Mass.  

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