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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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Search Results for: hyde amendment

Prenatal Tax Credits and Child Support for the Unborn: A Literature Review

Prenatal tax credits and child support for the unborn have a firm foundation in common law, as well as statutory and judicial precedent. Prenatal tax credits at the federal, state, and local levels hold out the promise of potentially enhanced birth weights and improved food stability, especially if ...

What Happens Next If Roe Is Overturned?

A legislator in Indiana has announced plans to introduce a bill that would ban abortion in that state when its legislature convenes in January. In Texas, lawmakers introduced several pro-life measures on November 14, including a proposed amendment to the state constitution prohibiting abortion to th...

Why the Global Protect Life Rule is Right for the U.S. and Nations Around the World

In January 2017, President Donald Trump took a bold and unprecedented executive action[ii] to restore the Mexico City Policy and extend its reach through Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance (PLGHA), commonly known as the “Global Protect Life Rule.” With this action, President Trump updat...

Courts in Iowa and Mississippi Show Signs They Will Follow the U.S. Supreme Court

In Iowa and Mississippi, state supreme court decisions have created an additional impediment to the enforcement of the states’ abortion bans.

Federal Appeals Court Upholds Kentucky’s Informed Consent Ultrasound Law

On April 4, 2019 the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit upheld Kentucky’s “Ultrasound Informed Consent Act,” also known as House Bill 2 (“H.B. 2”). The opinion draws heavily from the 2018 Supreme Court ruling in the NIFLA v. Becerra pregnancy help center case. In upholding Kentuck...

Abortion Reporting: Vermont (2020)

Vermont’s 2020 abortion statistics were published online as part of the state’s full vital statistics report in July 2022. The report is available on the website of the Vermont Department of Health.

Filed: CLI Amicus Brief in Idaho’s Moyle v. United States EMTALA Case

CLI recently filed an amicus brief in the case Moyle v. United States (consolidated with Idaho v. U.S.) to be considered before the Supreme Court this April. The Biden administration has interpreted the federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act in a way that would compel emergency room doct...

Freedom of Speech and the Truth about Life

On Tuesday, March 20, the Supreme Court heard oral argument in NIFLA v. Becerra. The legal defense group working on the case, Alliance Defending Freedom, summarized this case well. It stated that the California law at issue forces pro-life pregnancy help centers to provide free advertising for the a...