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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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Search Results for: fetal tissue cell lines >

Lozier Institute Amicus Brief in Support of Ecuador Law Limiting Abortion

On February 19, 2024, CLI associate scholar Mary E. Harned, J.D., submitted an amicus brief on behalf of CLI to the Constitutional Court of Ecuador. This brief was written in support of three provisions of Ecuador’s Organic Law Regulating the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy: (1) a requirement ...

15 Facts at 15 Weeks

This year, the Supreme Court agreed to hear the case Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which would allow Mississippi to limit abortions at 15 weeks. Medical advancements have long surpassed the viability definition of 28 weeks in Roe, and each advancement only moves us closer to life-s...

Ethical Stem Cells Provide Model for Progress in Down Syndrome Research

Researchers using ethically uncontroversial induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) have achieved what appears to be a major breakthrough in understanding the origin and development of Down syndrome, according to a new study recently published in Nature Communications.

Pro-Life Topics for Lawmakers Regarding Coronavirus

Abortion advocates have found a new ally—COVID-19. During this intensely stressful time, the vast majority of Americans are focused on protecting their health and the health of loved ones, neighbors, and vulnerable members of their community. The abortion industry, however, is seizing on this nati...

Minnesota’s Funding of Stem Cell Research Echoes Trend toward Ethically Non-Contentious Approaches

In 2014, Minnesota became the most recent of a handful of states that provide state funding for all types of stem cell research, including human embryonic stem cell research (hESCR). The law provides for 10 years of funding with $4.5 million approved for the first year and $4.35 million each year th...

No One Seems to Know How Many Abortion Clinics Collect Fetal Tissue

An editorial in Nature, one of the world’s leading scientific journals, recently covered the political debate surrounding fetal tissue harvesting and the editors’ perceived threat to this form of research with the defunding of abortion giant, Planned Parenthood.

Fact Sheet: Science of Fetal Pain

The old, uninformed notions that unborn and newborn babies could not feel pain are refuted by a growing body of scientific evidence. The published scientific literature shows that unborn babies can experience pain at 20 weeks gestational age (20 weeks LMP, since Last Menstrual Period, the fetal age ...

What you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccines

CLI’s analysis found that a majority of vaccine candidates did not use abortion-derived cell lines in their production. Several used abortion-derived cell lines in laboratory testing, or their use in testing could not be determined. Experts urge all vaccine developers to use noncontroversial alter...