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Charlotte Lozier Institute

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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

Research Type: Policy Paper

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July 24, 2024 Abortion Reporting: South Dakota (2023) Abortion Reporting: South Dakota (2023) July 11, 2024 Abortion Reporting: Alaska (2023) Abortion Reporting: Alaska (2023) July 2, 2024 Experts: No Evidence Behind “Induced Abortion Is Evidence-Based Medical Care” Argument Experts: No Evidence Behind “Induced Abortion Is Evidence-Based Medical Care” Argument
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Life & the Law

The Supreme Court Has Said It Will Hear a Major Abortion Case from Louisiana. Here’s What You Need to Know.

The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear a major abortion case from Louisiana. The name of the case is June Medical Services L.L.C. v. Gee. The Court is expected to hear arguments on March 4, 2020 and issue a decision by early summer 2020.

“Medicare for All” Means “Abortion for All”
Life & the Law

“Medicare for All” Means “Abortion for All”

Advocates for taxpayer-funded abortion likely underestimated the backlash they would face when they attempted to include abortion funding and coverage in healthcare reform in 2010. Ultimately, the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) abortion-related provisions and accompanying federal regulations marked a massive deviation from the long-standing Hyde amendment by allowing abortion-on-demand in federally subsidized insurance plans.

Life & the Law

Abortion Cases in the Higher Federal Courts

Our nation’s highest court may soon clarify or modify federal abortion jurisprudence after agreeing to hear June Medical Services v. Gee, a case in which a Fifth Circuit panel upheld a Louisiana law requiring an abortion provider to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of his or her practice.

Anti-Discrimination Laws in the Womb: New Momentum for Protection
Life & the Law

Anti-Discrimination Laws in the Womb: New Momentum for Protection

Something interesting is afoot in recent disappointments for advocates of the right to life.  In a series of cases that may test the appeal of a new jurisprudence on abortion, two federal appeals courts and the Supreme Court itself have turned aside attempts to enact a law banning disability discrimination abortions.

Funding Pregnancy Help Centers is a Win-Win for Citizens, Clients, and Communities
Life & the Law

Funding Pregnancy Help Centers is a Win-Win for Citizens, Clients, and Communities

The primary difference between Planned Parenthoods and PHCs is that, while Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion provider, PHCs seek to help women and children escape the disastrous consequences of abortion, including the numerous documented risks of physical, emotional, and mental harm that follow abortion. 

Legislative and Litigation Overview of Five-Month Abortion Laws Enacted Before or After 2010
Life & the Law

Legislative and Litigation Overview of Five-Month Abortion Laws Enacted Before or After 2010

Since January 2010, twenty-one states have enacted statutes prohibiting abortion at 20 weeks of pregnancy, roughly five months or more than halfway through pregnancy. All but one of these laws make at least some explicit reference to fetal pain in either the title, findings, statement of purpose or intent, definitions, substantive provisions, or some combination of these legislative elements.

Abortion Cases in the Higher Federal Courts
Life & the Law

Abortion Cases in the Higher Federal Courts

While several states have appealed court decisions enjoining abortion restrictions to the United States Supreme Court, the Court has thus far failed to clarify or modify federal abortion jurisprudence. Specifically, the Court has declined to review an Eleventh Circuit Court decision enjoining a second-trimester dismemberment abortion ban in Alabama, and a Seventh Circuit Court decision enjoining a ban on discriminatory abortions in Indiana.

Massachusetts HB 3320: Sweeping Away Commonsense Protections for Women and Children
Life & the Law

Massachusetts HB 3320: Sweeping Away Commonsense Protections for Women and Children

The Massachusetts legislature is currently considering a proposal to further liberalize the law of abortion in the Bay State. HB 3320 would substantially alter Massachusetts law by removing any recognition of an unborn child as a person—or even potential person—worthy of protection.

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