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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206


Available Resources from the Charlotte Lozier Institute

To view this list as a PDF, see: Available from the Charlotte Lozier Institute


Last updated January 21, 2020


Special Websites  This website includes new videos on therapies and cures using ethical sources of stem cells, blogs on current topics, and a search engine for ethical stem cell research trials.  This website, co-produced with Family Research Council, allows users to identify which health insurance plans offered on exchanges cover abortion – and which do not.  This interactive website, coproduced with Alliance Defending Freedom, allows users to identify an array of community health center alternatives to Planned Parenthood. This website publishes a weekly movie review highlighting life issues in sci-fi films. This website seeks to educate the public about the risks associated with chemical abortion, provide a space for women to tell their stories of undergoing chemical abortions as well as report complications to the FDA, and provide resources to women who are considering abortion or have started the chemical abortion process and changed their minds.


Fact Sheets/Presentations



Pregnancy, Preventive Services and Cost Saving: An Ethical and Economic Mirage (June 25, 2012)

Sex Selection Abortion: A Worldwide and U.S. Problem. Charles Donovan (August 23, 2012)

Update on Abortion Coverage Limitations: States Take Action (June 27, 2014)

Supreme Court Ruling on Texas Abortion Regulations: What Happened and What Now? Thomas M. Messner, J.D. (October 16, 2014)

“3-Parent Embryos” and “Gene-Edited Babies”: A Visual Aid. David Prentice, Ph.D. (June 26, 2015)

World Leaders in Abortion: Top 10 Countries (July 31, 2015)

History of Fetal Tissue Research and Transplants (Last updated November 30, 2016)

Backgrounder: We Need a New NIH Director. David Prentice, Ph.D. (April 25, 2017)

Fetal Tissue Research: Antiquated and Unethical? David Prentice, Ph.D., and Tara Sander Lee, Ph.D. (November 27, 2018) (Video)

Stories of Premature Births, Lethal/Non-Lethal Anomalies with Fetal Surgery and Perinatal Hospice (Last updated December 17, 2018)

Executive Summaries of CLI Papers involving Twenty-Week Abortion (Last updated December 17, 2018)

Abortion in the Land of Lincoln Charles Donovan (October 30, 2019)



Infographic: Abortion Pill Reversal (April 4, 2018)

Infographic: Planned Parenthood: Supply-Induced-Demand (May 18, 2018)



Map: Assisted Suicide in the States (May 3, 2019)

Map: Landmark Pain-Capable Abortion Bans (August 2019)

Map: State Abortion Reporting (October 2019)



Fact Sheet: Government Funding Sources for Planned Parenthood (February 5, 2016)

Fact Sheet: Federal Funding Restrictions on Abortion (October 13, 2016)

Fact Sheet: Reallocating Planned Parenthood’s Federal Funding to Comprehensive Health Centers (March 7, 2017)

Fact Sheet: Responses Regarding Poor Prenatal Diagnosis (September 28, 2017)

Fact Sheet: Adult Stem Cell Research and Transplants (November 21, 2017)

Fact Sheet: Pregnancy Help Centers – Serving Women and Saving Lives (January 18, 2018)

Fact Sheet: Government Funding Sources for Planned Parenthood (2013-2015) (March 8, 2018)

Fact Sheet: Government Funding of International Abortion Organizations (2013-2015) (March 2018)

Fact Sheet: Online Sales of Mifeprex and Misoprostol for Self-Abortion (April 2018)

Fact Sheet: Science of Fetal Pain (Last updated December 17, 2018)

Fact Sheet: Questions and Answers on Late-Term Abortion (February 1, 2019)

Fact Sheet: Late-Term Abortion Stats (September 9, 2019)



Special Reports

Thomas M. Messner, J.D., The Women’s Health Protection Act of 2013: The Sweeping Impact of S. 1696,

Special Report 1 (July 1, 2014) (44 pp.)

Charles A. Donovan, “Turning the Abortion Rate Back Toward Life,” The 2014 Index of Cultural Indicators,

the Heritage Foundation (2015)

Charles A. Donovan and Moira Gaul, “Turning Hearts Toward Life II: New Market Research for Pregnancy

Help Centers,” full-color booklet (Summer 2015) (52 pp.)

Tim Bradley, Unconscionable: Threats to Religious Freedom and Rights of Conscience in the Abortion Debate,

Special Report 2 (October 19, 2016) (19 pp.)

Catherine Glenn Foster, J.D., M.A., Planned Parenthood: Profit. No Matter What. Special Report 3, (January 4, 2017) (58 pp.)

Richard Doerflinger, M.A., Open Letter to the Hawaii Legislature on Assisted Suicide, Special Report 4, (March 9, 2018) (6 pp.)



American Reports Series – fully referenced papers on key public policy topics in Congress and the states

Byron Calhoun, M.D., Perinatal Hospice: Allowing Parents to Be Parents, American Reports Series 1, (May 1,

2012) (10 pp.)

Gene Tarne, The Ethical Stems of Good Science, American Reports Series 2, (December 1, 2012) (12 pp.)

Charles A. Donovan and Nora Sullivan, Abortion Reporting Laws: Tears in the Fabric, American            Reports Series 3, (December 1, 2012) (25 pp.)

Charles A. Donovan, The Adoption Tax Credit: Progress and Prospects for Expansion, American Reports          Series 4, (March 1, 2013) (11 pp.)

Gene Tarne and Andrew Mullin, Maryland Joins the Trend for Ethical Stem Cell Research, American     Reports Series 5, (October 1, 2013) (8 pp.)

Angelina Baglini, J.D., Gestational Limits on Abortion in the United States Compared to International Norms,   American Reports Series 6, (February 1, 2014) (9 pp.)

Gene Tarne, Cloning is Cloning is Cloning, American Reports Series 7, (June 1, 2014) (11 pp.)

Mark Bradford, Improving Joyful Lives: Society’s Response to Difference and Disability, American Reports       Series 8, (June 1, 2014 ) (28 pp.)

Wesley J. Smith, Assisted Suicide Is Not Compassion, American Reports Series 9, (April 28, 2015) (15 pp.)

Scott E. Daniels. Health Care Sharing Ministries: An Uncommon Bond, American Reports Series 10, (December 2015) (38 pp.)

Anna Higgins, J.D., Sex-Selection Abortion: The Real War on Women, American Reports Series 11, (April 13,

2016) (26 pp.)

Charles A. Donovan and Rebecca Gonzales, Abortion Reporting: Toward a Better National Standard,    American Report Series 12, (August 24, 2016) (16 pp.)

Kristi Burton Brown, J.D., Fetal Disposition: The Abuses and The Law, American Reports Series 13,

(December 6, 2016) (13 pp.)

Tessa Longbons, Abortion in the United States: Preliminary Review and a Call for Reform, American Report

Series 14, (May 22, 2019) (8 pp.)

Thomas M. Messner J.D., The Supreme Court Has Said It Will Hear a Major Abortion Case from Louisiana. Here’s What You Need to Know, American Reports Series 15, (January 2020) (13 pp.)


On Point Series – brief analyses of current topics in public policy and ethics

Elizabeth Johnson, M.D. and Steven Calvin, M.D., Induced Abortion and Risk of Subsequent Preterm Birth,   On Point Series 1, (December 1, 2012) (6 pp.)

Maureen L. Condic, Ph.D. The Science and Politics of Cloning: What the News Was All About, On Point         Series 2, (May 1, 2013) (10 pp.)

Charles A. Donovan, Multi-State Health Plans: A Potential Avenue to Tens of Thousands of Publicly   Subsidized Abortions, On Point Series 3, (September 1, 2013) (9 pp.)

Charles A. Donovan and Thomas M. Messner, J.D., Twenty-Week Bans Raise Issue of Disability           Discrimination Abortion, On Point Series 4, (November 24, 2013) (6 pp.)

Susan Wills, J.D., LL.M., New Studies Show All Emergency Contraceptives Can Cause Early Abortion, On

Point Series 5, (January 1, 2014) (9 pp.)

Susan Wills, J.D., LL.M., The Overlooked Key to the Drop in US Abortions, On Point Series 6, (September 4,

2012) (10 pp.)

Gene Tarne, Ethical Stem Cells: Back to Basics, On Point Series 7, (May 1, 2014) (5 pp.)

Maureen L. Condic, Ph.D., A Scientific View of When Life Begins, On Point Series 8, (June 11, 2014) (5 pp.)

Thomas M. Messner, Constitutional Viability of Five-Month Abortion Laws, On Point Series 9, (January 19,

2015) (13 pp.)

Elizabeth Johnson, M.D., The Reality of Late-Term Abortion Procedures, On Point Series 10, (January 20,

2015) (7 pp.)

Michael New, Ph.D., How Medicaid Expansion in Alaska Will Affect Abortion Rates, On Point 11, May 13,

2015) (13 pp.)

Michael J. New, Ph.D., Hyde @ 40: Analyzing the Impact of the Hyde Amendment, On Point Series 12,

(September 27, 2016) (18 pp.)

Richard Doerflinger, M.A., The Effect of Legalizing Assisted Suicide on Palliative Care and Suicide Rates: A Response to Compassion and Choices, On Point Series 13, (March 3, 2017) (8 pp.)

Moira Gaul, M.P.H., Ad Campaign Ruling Highlights Needs for Outreach and Healing, On Point Series 14,

(March 15, 2017) (8 pp.)

Richard Doerflinger, M.A., A Reality Check on Assisted Suicide in Oregon, On Point Series 15, (April 13,

2017) (8 pp.)

Thomas M. Messner, J.D., Oregon Lawmakers Promote Abortion, Crush Civil Liberty, and Hate on Social      Justice, On Point Series 16, (July 13, 2017) (6 pp.)

James Studnicki, Sc.D., MPH, MBA; Charles A. Donovan, Planned Parenthood: “Irreplaceable” and “Life- Saving”?, On Point Series 17, (August 2, 2017) (7 pp.)

Bobby Schindler, Basic Care. Human Dignity, and Care for Medically Vulnerable Persons, On Point Series   18, (November 21, 2017) (7 pp.)

Caroline Savoie, Current Bipartisan Opposition to Assisted Suicide, On Point Series 19, (November 28,

2017) (6 pp.)

Charles A. Donovan and Donna Harrison, M.D., Rewire’s Reckless Push for Mail-Order Mifeprex, On Point   Series 20, (December 1, 2017) (6 pp.)

Richard Doerflinger, M.A., Oregon’s Assisted Suicides: The Up-to-Date Reality in 2017, On Point Series 21,

(March 2018) (6 pp.)

Teresa Donovan, MPH, Planned Parenthood: Denying the Medical Science of Fertility Awareness, On Point

Series 22, (March 21, 2018) (9 pp.)

Jeanneane Maxon, J.D., Fact of Life: American Cars (and Their Drivers) Exhibit Decidedly More Pro-life than Pro-choice Views, On Point Series 23, (May 2018) (8 pp.)

Amanda Stirone, J.D. State Regulation of Telemedicine Abortion and Court Challenges to Those Regulations,

On Point Series 24, (July 2018) (12 pp.)

Jeanneane Maxon, J.D., Ten Truths about Title X, On Point Series 25 (October 2018) (9 pp.)

Mary E. Harned, J.D., Abortion Cases in the Higher Federal Courts, On Point Series 26 (October 2018)

(7 pp.)

Amanda Stirone, J.D., Overview of Legislation and Litigation Involving Protections Against Down Syndrome Discrimination Abortion, On Point Series 27 (November 2018) (9 pp.)

Katrina Furth, Ph.D., Fetal EEGs: Signals from the Dawn of Life, On Point Series 28 (November 2018)

(7 pp.)

Mary E. Harned, J.D., Abortion Cases in the Higher Federal Courts, On Point Series 29 (February 2019)

(7 pp.)

Amanda Stirone, J.D., Overview of Legislation and Litigation Involving Protections Against Down Syndrome Discrimination Abortion, On Point Series 30 (March 2019) (10 pp.)

Mary E. Harned, J.D, Massachusetts Draconian Abortion Proposal, On Point Series 31 (April 2019) (8 pp.)

Mary E. Harned, J.D., Massachusetts HB 3320: Sweeping Away Commonsense Protections for Women and Children, On Point Series 32 (June 2019) (6 pp.)

Mary E. Harned, J.D., Abortion Cases in the Higher Federal Courts, On Point Series 33 (July 2019) (8 pp.)

Thomas M. Messner, J.D., Legislative and Litigation Overview of Five-Month Abortion Laws Enacted Before or After 2010, On Point Series 34 (August 13, 2019) (18 pp.)

Jeanneane Maxon, J.D., Funding Pregnancy Help Centers is a Win-Win for Citizens, Clients, and Communities,

On Point Series 35 (September 25, 2019) (7 pp.)

Charles A. Donovan, Anti-Discrimination Laws in the Womb: New Momentum for Protection, On Point

Series 36 (October 25, 2019) (8 pp.)

Mary E. Harned, J.D, Abortion Cases in the Higher Federal Courts, On Point Series 37 (November 21, 2019)

(11 pp.)

Mary E. Harned, J.D., “Medicare for All” Means “Abortion for All,” On Point Series 38 (December 9, 2019)

(7 pp.)



Kathi Aultman, M.D., testified before the Missouri House Committee on Children and Families on 1/30/2018 on issues regarding the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.

Kathi Aultman, M.D., testified before the Florida House Committee on Health and Human Services on 2/15/2018 on issues regarding dismemberment abortions, HB 1429.

Kathi Aultman, M.D., testified in Ohio on 02/19/19 regarding a heartbeat bill.

Kathi Aultman, M.D., testified in Indiana before the House Committee on Public Policy on 02/13/19 regarding HB1211. The bill would prohibit dismemberment abortions.

Kathi Aultman, M.D. testified in Indiana before the Senate Judiciary Committee on 3/27/2019 regarding HB1211. The bill would prohibit dismemberment abortions.

Kathi Aultman, M.D., testified on 3/18/2019 before the Georgia Senate Committee on Science and Technology on issues regarding the Living Infants Fairness and Equality (LIFE) Act, HB 481.

Kathi Aultman, M.D., testified on 3/26/19 in Ohio before the House Health Committee regarding a heartbeat bill.

Kathi Aultman, M.D., testified before the U.S. House Judiciary Committee on issues regarding the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (September 10, 2019)

Jeanneane Maxon, J.D., submitted written testimony in Connecticut on 02/12/19 regarding HB7070. The bill would force pro-life pregnancy centers in the state to promote and refer for abortion. (February 12, 2019) (6 pp.)

Kristi Burton Brown, J.D., testified in Colorado regarding HB 1085. The bill would require abortion center inspection regulations.

Kristi Burton Brown, J.D., testified in Missouri regarding HB194. The bill would require greater accountability on fetal disposition. (March 23, 2017) (2 pp.)

Kristi Burton Brown, J.D., testified in Missouri regarding a pain-capable bill (March 23, 2017) (2 pp.)

Kristi Burton Brown, J.D., testified before the Missouri House Committee on Children and Families on 1/30/2018 issues regarding the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.

Steve Calvin, M.D., testified in Minnesota regarding H.F. 2865 which concerned University of Minnesota funding related to research on fetal tissue and proper disposal (1 pp.)

Maureen Condic, Ph.D., testified in Wisconsin regarding the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.

  1. Kevin Donovan, M.D., M.A., provided informational testimony on the bioethics of fetal tissue research before the U.S. House of Representatives Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives (March 2, 2016)

Maria Feeney, Ph.D., testified in Minnesota on HB 2865 regarding the prohibition of fetal tissue research after abortion.

Catherine Glenn Foster, J.D., M.A., provided Informational testimony on legal restrictions for fetal tissue donation before the Texas House State Affairs Committee.

Catherine Glenn Foster, J.D., M.A., provided informational testimony on legal restrictions for fetal tissue donation before the U.S. House of Representatives’ Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives (April 20, 2016)

Donna Harrison, M.D., provided informational testimony during Congressional Forum on Conscience Protections (Conscience Protection Act of 2016)(July 8, 2016)

Donna Harrison, M.D., testified in Wisconsin regarding the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

Donna Harrison, M.D., testified in Kentucky on SB50 regarding strengthening state abortion reporting on the dispensing of abortion prescriptions. 

Donna Harrison, M.D., testified in Delaware on issues regarding the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. (March 6, 2019)

Donna Harrison, M.D., testified before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee on issues regarding the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. (April 9, 2019)

Anna Higgins, J.D., testified regarding the Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act (PRENDA) during the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee hearing (April 14, 2016)

Anna Higgins, J.D., testified in Minnesota regarding defunding Planned Parenthood.

Anna Higgins, J.D., testified in Ohio on SB 21 to defund Planned Parenthood during the House Committee on Community and Family Advancement hearing (October 2015)

Anna Higgins, J.D., testified in Ohio on SB 127 regarding the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act during the House Committee on Community and Family Advancement hearing (October 2015)

Anna Higgins, J.D. testified in Texas before the Senate Health & Human Services Committee on issues regarding the Preborn NonDiscrimination Act (PreNDA), S.B. 1033. (April 10, 2019)

Anna Higgins, J.D., testified in Texas before the House State Affairs Committee on issues regarding the Committee on issues regarding the Preborn NonDiscrimination Act (PreNDA). (April 17, 2019)

Tessa Longbons testified before the U.S. House Judiciary Committee on issues regarding the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (September 10, 2019)

Thomas M. Messner, J.D., testified in Ohio on HB 294 regarding defunding Planned Parenthood and reallocating government funding to other Ohio medical health centers (November 24, 2015)

Michael New, Ph.D., testified in Washington, D.C. on B21-0038 regarding the legalization of physician-assisted suicide.

Angelina Nguyen, J.D., provided informational testimony hearing during Senate Judiciary Committee’s hearing on “Late-Term Abortion: Protecting Babies Born Alive and Capable of Feeling Pain” on the topic of international abortion norms and constitutionality of pain-capable laws (March 2016)

Angelina Nguyen, J.D., testified in Ohio on SB 127 regarding the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act during Senate Health and Human Services Committee hearing (June 2015)

Sheila Page, D.O., testified in Ohio on SB 127 regarding the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act during the House Committee on Community and Family Advancement hearing (October 2015)

Sheila Page, D.O., testified in Wisconsin regarding the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.

Sheila Page, D.O., testified in Texas regarding legislation to prohibit dismemberment abortions based on the science of fetal pain. (February 27, 2017)

Sheila Page, D.O., testified in Delaware on issues regarding the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. (March 6, 2019)

Sheila Page, D.O., testified in Texas before the Senate State Health and Human Services Committee on issues regarding the Preborn NonDiscrimination Act (PreNDA). (April 10, 2019)

Sheila Page, D.O., testified in Texas before the House State Affairs Committee on issues regarding the Committee on issues regarding the Preborn NonDiscrimination Act (PreNDA). (April 17, 2019)

Genevieve Plaster, M.A., testified on the Hyde Amendment during an informational hearing before the House Judiciary’s Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice (September 30, 2016)

Genevieve Plaster, M.A., testified in Washington, D.C. on B21-0038 regarding legislation to legalize physician-assisted suicide, during a hearing before the D.C. City Council.

Robin Pierucci, M.D., M.A., testified before the U.S. House Judiciary Committee on issues regarding the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (September 10, 2019)

David Prentice, Ph.D., testified in Arizona on SB 1474 regarding the prohibition of trafficking human fetal tissue. (March 18, 2016) (12 pp.)

David Prentice, Ph.D., provided informational testimony update before Kansas’s Senate and House committees on the   progress of Kansas’ Midwest Stem Cell Therapy Center, (February 8, 2016)

David Prentice, Ph.D., provided informational hearing at the Colorado state Capitol on fetal tissue trafficking

David Prentice, Ph.D., testified in Ohio on SB 127 regarding the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act during the House Committee on Community and Family Advancement hearing (October 13, 2015) (6 pp.)

David Prentice, testified at the Institute of Medicine on mitochondrial replacement and three-parent embryos  (May 19, 2015) (3 pp.)

David Prentice, Ph.D., testified in Ohio regarding the Down Syndrome Not-Discrimination Act (May 2015) (4 pp.)

David Prentice, PhD, testified in Wisconsin regarding legislation to prohibit sales and use of fetal body parts from abortion (August 12, 2015) (4 pp.)

David Prentice, Ph.D., testified in Indiana on SB 334 regarding the prohibition of abortion based on sex or disability (February 2015) (6 pp.)

David Prentice, Ph.D., testified before the House Oversight Committee regarding Ethical Alternatives to Aborted Fetal Tissue Research (December 13, 2018) (10 pp.)

David Prentice, Ph.D., submitted written testimony on 02/27/19 to Missouri Senate committee on Public Health regarding SB279, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.

David Prentice, Ph.D., testified before the Kansas legislature on 02/19/19 – 02/20/19, including three committees, for the annual report by the Midwest Stem Cell Therapy Center as mandated by statute (K.S.A. 76-835-840; created in 2013 by SB 199), about the scientific progress made by the Midwest Adult Stem Cell Therapy Center using adult stem cells.

David Prentice, Ph.D., submitted testimony on the science of fetal pain regarding Massachusetts’ HB 3372 (September 2019)

Tara Sander Lee, Ph.D., testified in Minnesota on HB 2865 regarding prohibition of fetal tissue research after abortion.

Tara Sander Lee, Ph.D., testified before the House Oversight Committee regarding ethical alternatives to aborted fetal tissue research (December 2018)

Tara Sander Lee, Ph.D., testified in Texas regarding SB 8 to prohibit human fetal tissue research among other things. (February 16, 2017)

Tara Sander Lee, Ph.D., testified in Texas regarding HB 200 to prohibit human fetal tissue research among other things.

Kathleen Schmainda, Ph.D., provided informational testimony on the bioethics of fetal tissue research before the U.S. House of Representatives Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives (March 2, 2016)

James Sherley, M.D., Ph.D., testified in Missouri on House Bills 2068, 2069, 2070, 2071, and 2371 regarding the humane treatment of human fetal tissue and other issues related to the Center for Medical Progress video (February 24, 2016)

William Toffler, M.D., testified before the D.C. Committee on Health and Human Services regarding physician-assisted suicide (August 11, 2015) (3 pp.)


Legal Briefs/Regulatory Comments

Legal brief on writ of certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court in Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby and Sebelius v.    Conestoga Wood Products.  CLI and Susan B. Anthony List represent women’s public policy groups      and a coalition of female state legislators and executive branch officials (Jan. 2014) (20 pp., plus      appendix).

Amicus Curiae Brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in Zubik v. Burwell. The brief describes how research shows     that, despite the Obama Administration’s claims, contraception mandates do not reduce rates of      unintended pregnancy or abortion. (Jan. 2016) (23 pp.)

Comment on NIH Proposal to Fund Human-Animal Chimeras (Sept. 2016) (6 pp.)

Comments Submitted to Dept. of Health and Human Services on Title X Funding (Oct. 2016) (9 pp.)

Amicus Curiae Brief to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in National Abortion Federation v. Center for           Medical Progress, et al.  (April 2016) (47 pp.)

Legal brief on writ of certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court in NIFLA v. Becerra. The brief provides an extensive            overview of the important social contributions Pregnancy Help Centers make.  (April 2017) (36 pp.)

Legal brief on writ of certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court in M.C. v. C.M. The brief describes the risks to                      mothers and children from gestational surrogacy. (Aug. 2017) (32 pp.)

Amicus Curiae Brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in NIFLA v. Becerra, in support of pro-life pregnancy help        centers that are challenging California’s so-called “Reproductive FACT Act,” which forces them to      advertise and refer for abortion. (Jan. 2018) (48 pp.)

Public Comment on President Trump’s Protect Life Rule. (July 2018) (10 pp.)


Supported Law Review/Peer-Reviewed Articles

Laura Lederer, J.D. and Christopher Wetzel, “Health Consequences of Sex Trafficking and Their Implications               for Identifying Victims in Healthcare Facilities,” Annals of Health Law, University of Chicago-Loyola         (Spring 2014) (31 pp.)

Michael New, “Analyzing the Impact of State Level Contraception Mandates on Public Health Outcomes,” Ave            Maria Law Review (Summer 2015) (25 pp.)

Nora Sullivan, M.P.A. and Eoghan de Faoite, M.D., “Psychological Impact of Abortion Due to Fetal Anomaly: A Review of Published Research,” Issues in Law and Medicine (Spring 2017) (12 pp.)

James Studnicki, Sc.D., MPH, MBA; John W. Fisher, Ph.D., J.D., M.S., M.A., Charles A. Donovan, David A.   Prentice, Ph.D.; Sharon J. MacKinnon, Ph.D., RN, FNP-C, “Improving Maternal Mortality:   Comprehensive Reporting for All Pregnancy Outcomes,” Open Journal of Preventive Medicine   (Summer 2017) (20 pp.)

James Studnicki, Sc.D., MPH, MBA; John W. Fisher, Ph.D., J.D., M.S., M.A. “Recent Increases in the U.S.

Maternal Mortality Rate: Disentangling Trends from Measurement Issues,” Obstetrics and Gynecology (Spring 2018) (3 pp.)

James Studnicki, Sc.D., MPH, MBA; John W. Fisher, Ph.D., J.D., M.S., M.A., “Planned Parenthood: Supply

Induced Demand for Abortion in the US,” Open Journal of Preventive Medicine (Spring 2018) (4 pp.)

James Studnicki, Sc.D., MPH, MBA, “Late-Term Abortion and Medical Necessity: A Failure of Science,”

Health Services Research and Managerial Epidemiology (April 9, 2019).

James Studnicki, Sc.D, MPH, MBA, et al, Doctors Who Perform Abortions: Their Characteristics and Patterns

of Holding and Using Hospital Privileges,” Health Services Research and Managerial Epidemiology

(2019) (8 pp.)

Tara Sander Lee Ph.D, Colleen Malloy, M.D., Monique Chireau Wubbenhorst, M.D., MPH, “The Perinatal

Revolution,” Issues in Law and Medicine (Spring 2019).

David Prentice, PhD, “Adult Stem Cells: Successful Standard of Regenerative Medicine,” Circulation Research.

(March 2019).

James Studnicki, Sc.D., MPH, MBA, et al, “Improving the Metrics and Data Reporting for Maternal Mortality:

A Challenge to Public Health Surveillance and Effective Prevention,” Open Journal of Public Health Informatics (2019).



Michael J. New, PhD, How the Legal Status of Abortion Impacts Abortion Rates (May 2018)

Moira Gaul, M.P.H., Mai W. Bean, A Half Century of Hope, A Legacy of Life and Love: Pregnancy Center Service Report, Third Edition (September 5, 2018)

Thomas M. Messner, J.D., Former Kennedy Law Clerk Argues Stare Decisis No Obstacle to Reversing Roe and Casey’s “Viability Rule” (November 10, 2018) (16 pp.)


State Abortion Reports

Abortion Reporting: Alabama (2016) (February 13, 2018)

Abortion Reporting: Alabama (2017) (March 26, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: Alaska (2016) (December 19, 2017)

Abortion Reporting: Alaska (2017) (March 2, 2018)

Abortion Reporting: Alaska (2018) (April 15, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: Arizona (2017) (November 15, 2018)

Abortion Reporting: Arizona (2018) (December 12, 2018)

Abortion Reporting: Arkansas (2017) (August 16, 2018)

Abortion Reporting: Arkansas (2018) (August 1, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: Colorado (2017) (February 27, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: Colorado (2018) (October 29, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: Connecticut (2017) (April 4, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: Connecticut (2018)  (July 15, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: Delaware (2017) (April 3, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: Florida (2017) (April 11, 2018)

Abortion Reporting: Florida (2018) (April 29, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: Georgia (2017) (April 4, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: Idaho (2016) (August 6, 2018)

Abortion Reporting: Idaho (2017) (March 28, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: Illinois (2016) (February 12, 2018)

Abortion Reporting: Illinois (2017) (March 26, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: Indiana (2017) (October 24, 2018)

Abortion Reporting: Indiana (2018) (October 16, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: Iowa (2016) (April 3, 2018)

Abortion Reporting: Iowa (2017) (March 28, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: Kansas (2017) (May 2, 2018)

Abortion Reporting: Kentucky (2017) (March 15, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: Louisiana (2017) (May 16, 2018)

Abortion Reporting: Louisiana (2018) (August 16, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: Maine (2017) (March 15, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: Maine (2018)  (August 13, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: Massachusetts (2017) (November 28, 2018)

Abortion Reporting: Massachusetts (2018) (May 22, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: Michigan (2017) (July 18, 2018)

Abortion Reporting: Michigan (2018) (September 23, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: Minnesota (2017) (October 10, 2018)

Abortion Reporting: Minnesota (2018) (January 9, 2020)

Abortion Reporting: Mississippi (2017) (May 16, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: Missouri (2016) (February 21, 2018)

Abortion Reporting: Missouri (2017) (April 15, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: Montana (2016) (November 19, 2018)

Abortion Reporting: Montana (2017) (May 9, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: Nebraska (2016) (December 1, 2017)

Abortion Reporting: Nebraska (2017) (June 5, 2018)

Abortion Reporting: Nebraska (2018) (August 22, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: Nevada (2018) (October 24, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: New Jersey (2016) (December 19, 2018)

Abortion Reporting: New Jersey (2017) (December 12, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: New Mexico (2017) (April 15, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: New York (2016) (January 10, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: New York (2017) (December 19, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: New York City (2016) (December 19, 2018)

Abortion Reporting: New York City (2017) (November 1, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: North Carolina (2017) (March 15, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: North Carolina (2018) (January 9, 2020)

Abortion Reporting: North Dakota (2017) (October 8, 2018)

Abortion Reporting: North Dakota (2018) (August 23, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: Ohio (2017) (December 3, 2018)

Abortion Reporting: Oklahoma (2017) (August 30, 2018)

Abortion Reporting: Oklahoma (2018) (July 29, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: Oregon (2017) (March 15, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: Overview (March 2018) (April 30, 2018)

Abortion Reporting: Pennsylvania (2016) (March 23, 2018)

Abortion Reporting: Pennsylvania (2017) (April 4, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: South Carolina (2016) (March 6, 2018)

Abortion Reporting: South Carolina (2017) (September 24, 2018)

Abortion Reporting: South Carolina (2018) (September 13, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: South Dakota (2016) (March 7, 2018)

Abortion Reporting: South Dakota (2017) (March 26, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: South Dakota (2018) (October 30, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: Tennessee (2017) (April 2, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: Texas (2016)  (June 12, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: Texas (2017) (November 1, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: Utah (2016) (April 19, 2018)

Abortion Reporting: Utah (2017) (April 5, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: Vermont (2017) (November 19, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: Virginia (2015) (May 3, 2018)

Abortion Reporting: Virginia (2016) (July 2, 2019)

Abortion Reporting: West Virginia (2015) (May 21, 2018)

Abortion Reporting: Wisconsin (2017) (March 28, 2019)





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